martes, enero 23, 2007

Luan Prabang

La gente pide fotos... y el internet esta rapido... asi que ahi van!
Luang Parabang from phousi hill
El wat Xieng Thong, el mas importante de Luang Parabang (notese templo budista + palmeras detras)

Sunset in the Mekong (probably one of my best sunsets ever...)

Una imagen vale mas que mil palabras... y lo que ven y se imaginan... eso es Luang Parabang.
Really impressive little town (actually is one of the big cities in Laos), full of temples, buddhist monks everywhere, palm trees... You can really notice much of the french influence here in the buildings, people playing petanque on the streets, fresh baguette every morning! (not as good as in Paris of course).
Yesterday I walked through the city went in the national museum (impecable!) and climbed the phusy hill where there is a wat and a big nice stupa... It was the first day by myself in a long time and I enjoyed it. Today I took a boat in the Mekong to some not very interesting caves... the best part was the boat trip itself... viajar por el Mekong es como navegar por la yugular del sud este Asiatico...
Tomorrow bus to Vang Vieng!!... and then work my way down to southern Laos


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Aqui tu fiel seguidor cada día más impresionado, este viaje, no sé como llamarlo es realmente alucinante, ....en fin que sigas bien....lindas las fotos,.... y cuando mencionas el Mekong me viene a la mente tantas guerras por las puras pelotas por alli....como dije pasala bien, cuidate.......Bisous

9:37 p. m.  

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