miércoles, marzo 21, 2007

Pokara II

Still in Pokara...
waking up with the sun shining on my window and steping out of the room and having the huge lake in front of me makes me wanna stay here more and more. I have my bicicle and I bike around...
I have climbed a couple of really nice hills with "breathtaking" views of the himalaya... but the clouds make the mountains desapear... so... no pictures...
I found a bakery run by a french woman with excellent croissants and pain au chocolat... mmmmmmm... and also a decent gelateria... Today I think I will bike to another lake 10km. away from here and hopefully the clouds will not be there and I will be able to see the Annapurnas.

+If you want to receive a postcard write me your address in a comment.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Como quien dice la Dolce Vita......enjoy life is short....contentos de tus noticias.........Bisous

3:20 a. m.  

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