viernes, febrero 09, 2007

Don Det - Paradise Island


the island...

My bungalow...

One of the most relaxed places on earth = Don Det.

It is one of the 4,000 river islands (Si Phan Don) on the Mekong, south of Laos almost in Cambodia... very small... (you can walk around it in a couple of hours)... many bungalows, but not too many people... no cars, no electricity, no noise, and lots of happy people (and happy everything)... 5 days of swinging in my hammoc in front of the Mekong, swiming, walkig around, biking around, going to the beach, visiting the waterfalls... it is really one of the best places I have been in my life, the locals are so friendly and there is an amazing interaction between tourists (farang) and locals... We made a really cool group of friends (spanish, italian , australian,israely...) and basically after a couple of days you knew most of the people in the island...walking around... waving to everybody ...

Now... after: 1 boat, 1 tuk-tuk, 1 mini-bus, another boat, another minibus, and another minibus, and a night sleep in Kampong Cham, and finally a bus... I am in Siam Riep-CAMBODIA!! more news on the next post tomorrow.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Bravo..........que sigas bien........y......esperando las próximas noticias.......Bisous

7:23 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

ta bien paja tu bungalow! y las fotos alucinantes! sigue conociendo y poniendo fotos, que asi aunque sea por foto conoceremos los lugares que tu vas.
besitos de los 4M krikler

7:06 a. m.  

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