martes, febrero 20, 2007

Sihanouk Ville

Playa... sol (muuuucho sol)... arena blanca... mar azul... mariscos a la parrilla...

I am on the coast of Cambodia! Sihanouk Ville... the first nights I was staying in one of the most popular beaches (buum buum music all night...), but now I moved to a beach 10km away from the town... amaaaaazing... quiet... not many people... and GOOD FOOD! the owner is an excellent cook... BBQ seafood... fish curry... fish amok... all day!!!

I will be staying two (or 3) more days and then back to Bangkok (boat to the border and then bus) to catch my flight to Kathmandu.


Danae... I would love to go to Indenesia... but I will be in Nepal untill the 30th March... and I have my flight from Delhi to Barcelona on the 31st... I will see if I can change something...


Anonymous Anónimo said...

From Danae
OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes try to change some things and get in touch with Olivier that we all can meet somewhere and Indonésia will be great there is all what we like... beach, jungle, treck and others... I did not get my ticket yet but should be very very soon... After Barcelona????
Bisous bisous et bisous

4:42 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Creo que la playa donde estás puede hacer que no extrañes Pucusana.......pasala bien y.....escribe........Bisous

10:54 p. m.  

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