lunes, noviembre 27, 2006


Amazing Thali (Yesterday in Amber)
-For those who were asking about the food!!!-

Roof top view from my hostel

Do you recognize this place?

Tomorrow going to Orccha...

domingo, noviembre 26, 2006

Jaipur -> Agra

Today was the last day in Jaipur... more than enough with two days here. In a couple of hours we catch the bus to Agra (5 hours... this time I got a sleeper, so I hope I will be able to rest)

We had a really active day...

In the morning we catched a regular bus to Amber (10 km away from Jaipur) ... al fiel estilo CHAMA CHAMA TOOOOODO SALAVERRI PEZE BELEN, este era AMBER AMBER AMBER AMBEEEEER... y de regreso JAIPUR JAIPUR JAIPUR JAIPUUUUUUUUUUR. There is an amazing fort we spent there most of the day visiting the palace (I will post the pics next time). We had an amazing lunch (Special Thali!) and headed back to Jaipur.

In the afternoon we went to the monkey temple... also in the outskirts of the city... is a tmple full of... MONKEYS of course! I would say there is hundreds of them. Is so funny to see how human they are.
We expect to be in Agra only a day or 2 (big city, polution, etc...) and then hit the roar again...

viernes, noviembre 24, 2006


(the last huge comment i posted didn't reach the blog cause' of a power shortage... hope it doesn't happen again.)

Even if you didn't think your trip to India was gonna be spiritual, I think it always is.
Only talking to the people, understanding, and learning their way of life is amazing.

My friend Raz has a little clothing store in Pushkar. He designs the clothes and sells them all over India. When I met him I entered the store and asked... Hi, How's bussines today?... he replyed... no matter how bussinbes is, if you come and we talk then is a good day. After an hour long conversation he explained me about Indian traditions... religion... society... how nowadays if you have more than two children you can not work or be elected for any gornment job... how he (and his parents) met his fiancee... etc...

Well, finally left Pushkar... (not because I didn't want to stay but cause' I wanted to keep going). 4 hour bus to JAIPUR and now I am back in a big city. We are gonna buy tickets to the movies so I will tell you in the next post how it went. It is supposed to be the best movie theater in India! (no entendere nada pero bueno... es la experiencia)
Hanging out with Luz(Argentina), Pablo and Isabel (Spain), we came together from Pushkar...

Como predijo Agus, I got my wellcome diarrea a couple of days ago. Now I feel better... spicy spicy!! (No spicy?... Ok ok ... y te traen el thali que te quema el esofago)
Aparte, he batido el record de mi vida no comiendo carne, un semana! vegetarianismo total total.

lunes, noviembre 20, 2006

Still in Pushkar

Holy Lake in Pushkar
Still in Pushkar... this town doesn't let you go that easily. Chilling and enjoying the peace.

Not many things to say really. I have been walking around the town, drinking chai almost 5 times a day, watching the sunset from the lake... and tomorrow the great challenge is to wake up (5am) to see the sunrise from one of the hills that surround the city...

Wednesday we were thinking of going to Prem Joshua's concert, and Thursday catch the road again...
Sunset in Pushkar
Shanti ... shanti...

sábado, noviembre 18, 2006

Bus a Pushkar

(Sorry for the english speakers I don't feel like writing in english today)

Tome el bus "turistico" en delhi destino Pushkar a las 8pm en delhi. 4 horas despues (recuerden que en este blog nada es exageracion), luego de haber paseado por Delhi recogiendo gente y montada gigantescas bolsas en el techo, salimos rumbo a Pushkar. Para hacerla corta, luego de 2 pastillas para dormir, un dolor de cuello impresionante y algunas horas de sueno, llegue a Pushkar a las 11am del dia siguiente.

Pushkar es el opuesto de delhi... pueblo pequeno, tranquilidad... paisaje desertico donde todo gira al rededor de un lago muy lindo sagrado para los hindues. Ahi hacen banos rituales y toda la parafernalia respectiva. La religion Hinduista es un mundo aparte, poco a poco voy aprendiendo sobre los diferentes dioses, creencias y supersticiones... Por ahora me quedo con Ganesh, el dios con cabeza de elefante.

Es impresionante ver la pobreza, las condiciones en que vive la gente pero lo que nunca les falta es una sonrisa... y en Europa carajo sacarle una sonrisa a alguein es tarea titanica...

Pasando el tiempo con amigos latinos y otros espanoles que andan por aca... ya que es pueblo Hinduista, comiendo vegetariano (a ver si Olivier tiene razon y me siento mas "puro") ... extremadamente barato, presupuesto de 350 rupias al dia aprox (6 euros). Almuerzo bufet espectacular por 50 rupias con unas bolitas como Donuts de postre excelentes... las remojas en una salsa como leche condensada con platano... mmmmmmmmmmmmm..............

Hasta la proxima...

jueves, noviembre 16, 2006

Phone Number / Numero de Telefono

I am connected to the world now...

My cell phone number is:

(00) - 91 - 9810157604

(oo -> international call, 91-> India, 9810157604 -> actual number)

The time difference is: 10.5 more hours than in Lima, 6.5 more hours than in Barcelona.
that means that right now is 7pm here, then in Lima it is 8:30am, Barcelona 2:30pm in Barna.

Mi nuevo numero de telefono es el de arriba... la diferencia horaria es:
10.5 horas mas que en Lima y 6.5 mas que en BCN.

Pa tarea cumplida.

Day 3 + Pictures

Pictures of delhi...

on the rickshaw!

Pahar-ganj, New Delhi (Where my hostel is)

Third day... more adapted... and enjoying myself a lot.
Morning... Qutb Minar, which are some ruins of an Mogol palace, quite impressive!
Afternoon... Hindu temple, what an experience. It is sooooo f><> surreal.
Hanging out with Louise my British friend. Nice to have someone to comment on the craziness of this country.
Now going to Pushkar (in Rajastan) in a couple of hours, a 12 hour bus ride waits for me... it is a holy city for Hindus. Next post I will let you know if I made it...

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2006

2 Day WOW!

OK... Delhi is not Lima. Traffic in Lima is heaven compared to here!

Es alucinantemente caotica, subir a un auto-rickshaw (moto-taxi) es mejor que cualquier montana rusa. Adrenalina a mil.. carros, bicicletas y peatones pasando a 5 centimetros tuyo. Noooo... realmente indescriptible...

Pictures coming on next post.

martes, noviembre 14, 2006

1st day in INDIA

Ladies and genetmen... senores y senoras... madames et monsieurs... tothom...
I AM IN DELHI !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still can't believe it... it is amazing... crazy... chaotic and beautiful!

Monday 11:30 pm Arriving in Delhi... the flight was nice I got to sleep for almost half of it... watched couple of movies (Xmen3, whic power would you like to have?). Arrived to Indira Gandhi International Airport at almost midnight, changed some euros into rupies and ventured myself to Delhi... after looking for my name written down among 100 others (no exagerations in this blog) ... fortunately it was there and the taxi driver was waiting for me.
Driving through Delhi was almost like arriving to Lima... only difference... they drive on the other side of the road.

Tusday. Wake up, took a shower, and went to have brakfast. Excellent wellcome with an amazing Indian Brakfast (Indian Chai, sweet lassie and something like delicious tortillas filled with herbs with a yogurt sauce)... I know everything the "lonely planet" tells you to avoid... well I couldn't resist and I think (hopefully) my peruvian stomach is prepared. Then looked for a cheaper hotel and here I am.

La zona es mas o menos como decir... la victoria pero con vacas en la calle y todo tipo de vehiculos (TODO tipo). Bueno, a visitar delhi ya les seguire contando.
Tema telefono aun no resuelto, por ahora mails y dondeestaandre.

Thanks to everyone that made a comment! gracias a todos los comentarios... alguans respuestas... cone la foto si es de Sardegna... Ola you wanted to go to Nepal, come!... primos hopefully i will see you soon somewhere... Lee pass my blog addres to the OP mailing list... JC, JSe, Maro man espero verte pronto man... familia, tranquilos estoy vivo, intactao y en plena forma.

Pasenle la direccion del blog a quien crean que le interese ya que muchas direcciones me han rebotado... y pongan sus coments cullons!